Modern mobile burst photography pipelines capture and merge a short sequence of frames to recover an enhanced image, but often disregard the 3D nature of the scene they capture, treating pixel motion between images as a 2D aggregation problem. We show that in a "long-burst", forty-two 12-megapixel RAW frames captured in a two-second sequence, there is enough parallax information from natural hand tremor alone to recover high-quality scene depth. To this end, we devise a test-time optimization approach that fits a neural RGB-D representation to long-burst data and simultaneously estimates scene depth and camera motion. Our plane plus depth model is trained end-to-end, and performs coarse-to-fine refinement by controlling which multi-resolution volume features the network has access to at what time during training. We validate the method experimentally, and demonstrate geometrically accurate depth reconstructions with no additional hardware or separate data pre-processing and pose-estimation steps.
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Neural volumetric representations have become a widely adopted model for radiance fields in 3D scenes. These representations are fully implicit or hybrid function approximators of the instantaneous volumetric radiance in a scene, which are typically learned from multi-view captures of the scene. We investigate the new task of neural volume super-resolution - rendering high-resolution views corresponding to a scene captured at low resolution. To this end, we propose a neural super-resolution network that operates directly on the volumetric representation of the scene. This approach allows us to exploit an advantage of operating in the volumetric domain, namely the ability to guarantee consistent super-resolution across different viewing directions. To realize our method, we devise a novel 3D representation that hinges on multiple 2D feature planes. This allows us to super-resolve the 3D scene representation by applying 2D convolutional networks on the 2D feature planes. We validate the proposed method's capability of super-resolving multi-view consistent views both quantitatively and qualitatively on a diverse set of unseen 3D scenes, demonstrating a significant advantage over existing approaches.
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Most camera lens systems are designed in isolation, separately from downstream computer vision methods. Recently, joint optimization approaches that design lenses alongside other components of the image acquisition and processing pipeline -- notably, downstream neural networks -- have achieved improved imaging quality or better performance on vision tasks. However, these existing methods optimize only a subset of lens parameters and cannot optimize glass materials given their categorical nature. In this work, we develop a differentiable spherical lens simulation model that accurately captures geometrical aberrations. We propose an optimization strategy to address the challenges of lens design -- notorious for non-convex loss function landscapes and many manufacturing constraints -- that are exacerbated in joint optimization tasks. Specifically, we introduce quantized continuous glass variables to facilitate the optimization and selection of glass materials in an end-to-end design context, and couple this with carefully designed constraints to support manufacturability. In automotive object detection, we show improved detection performance over existing designs even when simplifying designs to two- or three-element lenses, despite significantly degrading the image quality. Code and optical designs will be made publicly available.
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我们提出了一种可区分的渲染算法,以进行有效的新型视图合成。通过偏离基于音量的表示,支持学习点表示,我们在训练和推理方面的内存和运行时范围内改进了现有方法的数量级。该方法从均匀采样的随机点云开始,并使用基于可区分的SPLAT渲染器来发展模型以匹配一组输入图像,从而学习了每点位置和观看依赖性外观。在训练和推理中,我们的方法比NERF快300倍,质量只有边缘牺牲,而在静态场景中使用少于10 〜MB的记忆。对于动态场景,我们的方法比Stnerf训练两个数量级,并以接近互动速率渲染,同时即使在不施加任何时间固定的正则化合物的情况下保持较高的图像质量和时间连贯性。
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飞行时间(TOF)传感器提供了一种成像模型加油,包括自主驾驶,机器人和增强现实的激光雷达。传统的TOF成像方法通过将光的脉冲发送到场景中并测量直接从场景表面反射的第一到达光子的TOF而没有任何时间延迟来估计深度。因此,在该第一响应之后的所有光子通常被认为是不需要的噪声。在本文中,我们通过使用第一到达光子的原理来涉及全光子TOF成像方法来结合第一和​​后退光子的时间 - 极化分析,这具有关于其几何和材料的丰富现场信息。为此,我们提出了一种新的时间 - 偏振反射模型,一种有效的捕获方法和重建方法,其利用由表面和子表面反射反射的光的时间 - 极性变化。所提出的全光子偏振子TOF成像方法允许通过利用系统捕获的所有光子来获取场景的深度,表面法线和材料参数,而传统的TOF成像仅从第一到达光子获得粗糙的深度。我们使用原型验证我们的模拟方法和实验。
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用于计算机视觉任务的现有神经网络容易受到对抗攻击的影响:向输入图像添加不可察觉的扰动可以欺骗这些方法,在没有扰动的情况下正确预测的图像对错误预测。各种防御方法已经提出了图像到图像映射方法,其中包括训练过程中的这些扰动或在预处理的去噪步骤中除去它们。在这样做时,现有方法通常忽略当今数据集中的自然RGB图像未被捕获,而实际上,从捕获中的各种劣化的原始滤色器阵列捕获中恢复。在这项工作中,我们利用此原始数据分布作为对抗防御之前的经验。具体而言,我们提出了一种模型 - 不可原谅的对抗性防御方法,其将输入的RGB图像映射到拜耳原始空间,并使用学习的摄像机图像信号处理(ISP)管道回输出RGB以消除潜在的对抗模式。所提出的方法充当了货架上的预处理模块,与模型特异性的对抗性培训方法不同,不需要培训对抗性图像。因此,该方法推广到未经额外再培训的未经看不见的任务。不同视觉任务的大型数据集(例如,Imagenet,CoCo)的实验(例如,分类,语义分割,对象检测)验证该方法显着优于跨任务域的现有方法。
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门控相机作为扫描LIDAR传感器的替代方案,具有高分辨率的3D深度,在雾,雪和雨中稳健。不是通过光子飞行时间顺序地扫描场景并直接记录深度,如在脉冲激光雷达传感器中,所设定的成像器编码在百万像素分辨率的少量门控切片中的相对强度的深度。尽管现有方法表明,可以从这些测量中解码高分辨率深度,但这些方法需要同步和校准的LIDAR来监督门控深度解码器 - 禁止在地理位置上快速采用,在大型未配对数据集上培训,以及探索替代应用程序外面的汽车用例。在这项工作中,我们填补了这个差距并提出了一种完全自我监督的深度估计方法,它使用门控强度配置文件和时间一致性作为训练信号。所提出的模型从门控视频序列培训结束到结束,不需要LIDAR或RGB数据,并学会估计绝对深度值。我们将门控切片作为输入和解散估计场景,深度和环境光,然后用于学习通过循环损耗来重建输入切片。我们依赖于给定帧和相邻门控切片之间的时间一致性,以在具有阴影和反射的区域中估计深度。我们通过实验验证,所提出的方法优于基于单眼RGB和立体图像的现有监督和自我监督的深度估计方法,以及基于门控图像的监督方法。
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